Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Popsicles on my nose

I have been a fairly neglectful blogger in the last while. Considering it's been -40something outside and my eyebrows freeze into a very attractive icicle unibrow when I spend more than ten minutes outdoors, it seems I should have lots of time to sit at the computer and share my brilliant thoughts with the 2 people who actually read this blog...

But alas, I have been taken in by season 7 of Gimore Girls on DVD. For the last week every spare minute has been taken over by my obsession with watching this show. I ignored the bank, grocery shopping, and possibly even personal hygiene. And today I finished it... hence, the reason I am sitting here typing, trying to distract myself from the gaping hole the end of the show has left in my heart.

I'm just not ready. I still have at least 3 months of winter left... I have decided the only cure for this is to find a new show I have never seen, preferably one with at least 5 solid seasons, which I will rent one by one, and watch non-stop while consuming copious amounts of banana bread and tea.

That, or I could shower and sweep the layer of dust off the floor...


Maplemusketeer said...

I stopped watching GMG after she cheated on Luke just before they were going to run off together. I'm not sure what season it was.. it's the only season I've watched. I was living in the woods (At camp) at the time.. and after what she did... I decided that never again would I watch that show. :P

Hmmm... come have tea with me :D

Ty said...

I just stumbled across your blog. Love your writing and pictures. I'll continue to follow it! Thanks!
